Exciting Fear
What I'm most excited about lately is the technological boom to
come, as a society we have come so far since the creation of the world-wide web
to the utilization of technology to further the quality of human life.
Technologies have been applied to every aspect of human life. We live alongside
technology to create a lifestyle that generations before us couldn't even have
dreamed. What is so cool about this day and age is that previous generations
can enjoy what millennials take for granted. My mom using a smart phone is so
cool to me, she has learned to use all the benefits of social media
applications, using emoji’s and texting to its full use and I love that she is
able to enjoy these things in her lifetime.
What I fear is the laziness that technologies promote. We want and
find the easiest way to complete any task, though this is good for the
efficient use of time I feel like human kind will be lost without technology
because of our complete dependence of it. Skills that were once valued will be
lost for good, doing things by hand will look like a waste of time and effort. Things
like art, drawing and painting will be a concept that can be completed through
digital applications so there won’t be an appreciation of realist works or
techniques anymore. Cost of production will be a large contributing factor of
this loss as well. It will be cheaper to buy factory produced goods than hand
crafted goods. Everything will eventually be factory manufactured and people
may lose valued skills. I most fear that society will reach a point in time
where there will not be a demand for these skills anymore.
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