AI and Militarization
The use and research of AI (
Artificial Intelligence ) in the military has been going on since the early
1960s. Today the military has been using a program called DART it’s a planning
tool. More research is being put into AI programs that act as training programs
for soldiers. The Air Force is using it for flight simulations with different
scenarios. The use of AI in the military is a good thing for training purposes.
With the way technology is rapidly developing it wont be a surprise if planes
or robots go to war instead of humans. In a way war will become one big
videogame that each countries leader becomes the main player. War will all become
about who can build a better algorithm to be more effective. In all of history
wars have been won because of something unexpected, with machines and programs
they are set to have one certain result.
The problem with AI is that it
needs a constant source of power without power it cant perform its job. So in
the future the outcome of a war might rely on an algorithm that controls robots
and jets and boats to do the job of man. In the movie Stealth the AI that is
implanted into the jets to test against humans, in the beginning the AI proved
to have an advantage over the human pilots but at the end of it all human
instinct and brain came on top. Technology has been on the rise and is still
making headway, but we all cant rely on only technology. The US military will
always use man power over technology because man has proven their worth over
and over. Technology helps with military missions but at the end of it all AI
will not be the force that runs the missions.
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